Overgrowth Alpha FAQ
This is the Overgrowth Bug FAQ
General Bugs
Something won't Work! AHHH!
First and foremost, Don't Panic.
Disclaimer: Be prepared for it to just not work. Overgrowth is still in its Alpha stage, and the team is focusing more on getting essential features in than working out bugs and compatibility issues. The team will get to them, and will try to occasionally fix very pressing bugs, but sadly sometimes it will just take a while. However that doesn't mean that there's nothing you can do!
Here's what you can do:
- Look at the rest of this Bug FAQ to see if there are any that might fit your situation
- Check the Forums and use the lovely search feature. for example if on your vista computer Overgrowth crashes when you jump search for ""Vista Jump Crash""
- Ask on the Wolfire IRC. Many users are long time Alpha testers and will be happy to help you.
- Ask John on Meebo. Although John's time is a valuable, non-renewable resource, he will be happy to help you if you need to talk with someone on the team.
Windows Specific Bugs
Bugs need to be added here
Mac Specific Bugs
I can't find the Data folder
With the mac version of overgrowth the Data folder is located within the application. You can access it by right clicking the "Overgrowth ##" application and choosing 'Show Contents", and then going to Contents/MacOS/Data
To make future access easier right click 'Data' and choose 'Make Alias'. Now drag this alias out of the application, somewhere easy to find, your desktop for example.
When you now try to open a file from within Overgrowth just navigate to the alias and you should have access to the Contents of the Data folder
Linux Specific Bugs
Bugs need to be added here