Character Script External Code

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This is an alphabetical list of the external code that is only available to be used inside a character script - functions, variables, and classes that "magically" exist.

To see a list of external code that is available to all scripts, please see this page - TODO: Page link here.

This list is pulled from the ~/Documents/Wolfire/Overgrowth/aschar_docs.h file, which is automatically generated by the game.

See this page to find the location for the Wolfire/Overgrowth folder on each OS -'s_cache

TODO: These can be documented individually, possibly on their own pages

Global Variables

ASCollisions col; // Used to access collision functions
ScriptParams params;
ReactionScriptGetter reaction_getter;
SphereCollision sphere_col; // Stores results of collision functions
MovementObject this_mo;


enum AnimationFlags : uint8;
enum AttackerDirectionType : int;
enum AttackerHeightType : int;
enum CollisionSides;
enum NavPathFlag;
enum SamplePolyFlag;

Global Functions

float GetAnimationEventTime( string &in anim_path, string &in event_label );
NavPoint GetNavPoint(vec3);
vec3 GetNavPointPos(vec3);
NavPath GetPath(vec3 start, vec3 end);
NavPath GetPath(vec3 start, vec3 end, uint16 include_poly_flags, uint16 exclude_poly_flags);
vec3 LineLineIntersect(vec3 start_a, vec3 end_a, vec3 start_b, vec3 end_b);  // Get closest point between two line segments
vec3 NavRaycast(vec3 start, vec3 end);
vec3 NavRaycastSlide(vec3 start, vec3 end, int depth);


class ASCollisions;
class AttackScriptGetter;
class CollisionPoint;
class NavPath;
class NavPoint;
class ReactionScriptGetter;
class SphereCollision;