Configuring Overgrowth

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Revision as of 16:14, 12 October 2011 by Samusaaron3 (talk | contribs)
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While Overgrowth does not currently provide a way to adjust settings in game, users may adjust their configuration by modifying their config.txt file.

config.txt is located in: ((for Mac users) ~/Library/Application Support/Lugaru 2/Data/ Note: if you are using Lion, your library folder is hidden by default... in the finder, click the "Go" menu, then Press Option, and Library will appear in the list

(and for Windows users) My Documents\Wolfire\Overgrowth\Data, NOT Program Files\Wolfire\Overgrowth\Data!).

The file is a plain text file that is readable by any normal text editor (such as TextEdit for Mac or Notepad for Windows).


Setting Default Value Description
screenwidth 800 The game's horizontal resolution.
screenheight 600 The game's vertical resolution.
fullscreen false Determines whether to run in full screen or windowed mode.
vsync false Limits the framerate to match the user's monitor refresh rate (smooths out the framerate).
multisample 0 Determines the level of anti-aliasing (smooths out jagged edges, at the cost of performance).
anisotropy 0 Determines the level of anisotropic filtering (increases the quality of textures drawn far away, at the cost of performance).
post_effects false Determines whether to display post effects.
shaders true Determines whether to use shaders.
texture_reduce 1 Determines the level to which the texture resolutions should be reduced (higher numbers will cause blurriness, but increase performance).
gamma_correct true Determines whether to auto-correct gamma levels.
fps_label false Determines whether to display the current fps (frames per second) on screen.
sound_label false Determines whether to display all active sounds on screen.
visible_raycasts false Determines whether to display lines representing all AIs' visibility.
visible_sound_spheres false Determines whether to display spheres representing the distance sounds travel (such as running).
editor_mode false Determines whether to start the game in player mode (false) or editor mode (true).
invert_y_look false Determines whether to invert the y-axis controls (looking up/down).
music true Determines whether the in-game music is enabled.
media_mode false Determines whether to disable the in-game interface.
baked_shadows true Determines whether to use the pre-baked shadows (true) or cascaded shadow maps (false).
debug_key_presses false Determines whether to enable the use of debug keys.
auto_camera false Determines whether to have the camera automatically return to a position behind the player.
key[quit] esc
key[slow] tab
key[fast] \
key[crouch] lshift
key[jump] space
key[screenshot] f7
key[console] `
key[left] a
key[right] d
key[up] w
key[down] s
key[item] e
key[drop] q
key[chat] t
key[rclick] rshift
xbox_look_sensitivity 1.5
xbox[jump] RB
xbox[crouch] LB
xbox[attack] RT
xbox[grab] LT
xbox[item] A
xbox[drop] X
controller[movex] axis1
controller[movey] axis2
controller[lookx] axis5
controller[looky] axis4
controller[jump] button6
controller[crouch] button5
controller[item] button1
controller[drop] button3
controller[attack] axis3<-0.5
controller[grab] axis3>0.5

Controller Setup

Since alpha 150, external controller options have been added to the config.txt file. The following guide will help you configure your controller to properly work with Overgrowth.

Note: Currently the guide only targets Windows 7 users.

First, make sure your controller is plugged in to your computer.

Next, open the start menu and click on Control Panel (located on the right side). Once opened, make sure the view is set to Large Icons (switchable in the upper right corner). Select Devices and Printers.

You should see your controller listed under Devices. Right click it, and select Game Controller Settings. The Game Controllers window will appear. Make sure your controller is selected, then click on Properties.

Once again, a new window should appear - make sure that the view is set to the Test tab. In this view, you will be able to determine which physical button is mapped to each virtual button. Play around with your controller to confirm that everything is working properly, and take note of the button mappings.

Now navigate to and open up your config.txt file (as described above). Rearrange the mappings in the file to match your desired controller setup.

Once you have everything modified, save the config.txt file and launch Overgrowth in order to test the new configuration.