Editor Camera Script External Code

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This is a list of the external code that is only available to be used inside the editor camera script - variables, functions, and classes that "magically" exist.

To see a list of external code that is available to all scripts, please see this page - Common Script External Code

This page is manually updated, so may be slightly out of date from time to time.

Global Variables

CameraObject co;  // Access the editor camera controller itself, including parameters that aren't accessible from other scripts


CameraObject class

class CameraObject;

Access the editor camera controller object.

This lets you access parameters that aren't accessible from other scripts, such as whether the camera is controlled by a player, frozen, or ignoring mouse input.

It also gives access to a quaternion representing the orientation of the camera, instead of Camera's euler angle access functions.

Note: It is recommended to also set all these properties/call these functions on the camera object to match this camera controller in the editor camera script Update function:

  • camera.SetYRotation, camera.SetXRotation, camera.SetZRotation
  • camera.SetPos
  • camera.SetDistance
  • camera.SetVelocity
  • camera.SetFOV
  • camera.SetDOF
  • camera.CalcFacing, camera.CalcUp


vec3 velocity;
// The current velocity of the editor camera controller.
// Note: always call camera.SetVelocity in Update to set the actual camera velocity to match
bool controlled;  // Whether the editor camera controller is currently being controlled by a player
bool frozen;  // If the script should ignore all controller input. The engine doesn't currently use this at all
bool ignore_mouse_input;
// If the script should ignore mouse input. Engine sets this when editor is doing selection, transformations
bool has_position_initialized;
// Initialized to false when a level loads. Useful for teleporting the camera to the first controlled movement object


const quaternion& GetRotation();  // Get the current direction of the editor camera controller
void SetRotation(const quaternion &in quat);
// Set the current direction of the editor camera controller.
// Note: always call camera.SetXRotation, etc, in Update to set the actual camera rotation to match
const vec3& GetTranslation();  // Gets the current position of the editor camera controller
void SetTranslation(const vec3 &in vec);
// Sets the current position of the editor camera controller.
// Note: always call camera.SetPos in Update to move the actual camera to the same spot

Related Global Variables

CameraObject co;  // The global instance of this editor camera controller class
Camera camera;  // The global instance of an object for controlling the actual camera itself