Configuring Overgrowth
You can edit most settings by pressing the Settings button on the main menu or on the pause menu. There are even more settings available from the "Settings" top menu bar on the main menu.
If you need to edit the config without starting the game, you can change your configuration by modifying your config.txt. Just below you can see the location of this file on each operating system.
There is also a community made tool available for editing the config file without starting the game, the SUMLauncher.
Mac Location
Macintosh HD/Users/~/Library/Application Support/Overgrowth/Data/config.txt
where ~ is your username.
Note: If you are using Lion, your library folder is hidden by default... in the finder, click the "Go" menu, then Press Option, and Library will appear in the list.
Windows Location
My Documents\Wolfire\Overgrowth\Data\config.txt
Note: NOT Program Files\Wolfire\Overgrowth\Data!
Linux Location
The configuration file is created when Overgrowth is started for the first time.
Setting | Default Value | Description |
screenwidth | 800 | The game's horizontal resolution. |
screenheight | 600 | The game's vertical resolution. |
fullscreen | false | Determines whether to run in full screen or windowed mode. |
vsync | false | Limits the framerate to match the user's monitor refresh rate (smooths out the framerate). |
simple_shadows | 1 | Disables dynamic shadows if set to 1. |
blood | 1 | Disable or enable blood |
blood_color | 0.4 0 0 | The color of blood in the game in R, G, B. Each value should be between 0 and 1. |
multisample | 0 | Determines the level of anti-aliasing (smooths out jagged edges). Should be 1, 2, 4 or 8. |
anisotropy | 0 | Determines the level of anisotropic filtering (increases the quality of textures drawn far away and at an angle). Should be 1, 2, 4 or 8. |
motion_blur_amount | 0 | How much motion blur to apply, should be between 0 and 1. |
post_effects | true | Determines whether to use post effects. |
shaders | true | Determines whether to use shaders. |
texture_reduce | 0 | Determines the level to which the texture resolutions should be reduced (higher numbers means lower resolution). |
texture_minimize_ram | 1 | TODO: What does this do? |
full_level_unload | true | TODO: What does this do? |
gamma_correct | true | Determines whether to use gamma correction. |
fps_label | false | Determines whether to display the current fps (frames per second) on screen. |
sound_label | false | Determines whether to display all active sounds on screen. |
visible_raycasts | false | Determines whether to display lines representing all AIs' visibility. |
visible_sound_spheres | false | Determines whether to display spheres representing the distance sounds travel (such as running). |
editor_mode | false | Determines whether to start the game in play mode (false) or editor mode (true). |
invert_y_mouse_look | false | Determines whether to invert the y-axis controls (looking up/down). |
use_raw_input | true | Use raw mouse input, solves mouse issues for some people. |
invert_y_gamepad_look | false | Determines whether to invert the y-axis controls (looking up/down). |
tet_mesh_lighting | 0 | If set to 1, use the pre-baked tetrahedral mesh global illumination. TODO: Does this work? |
light_volume_lighting | false | Use ambient light volume lighting if available. |
global_time_scale_mult | 1.0 | How fast the game should run. TODO: Does this work? |
game_difficulty | 1.0 | How hard the game should be, higher is harder. |
tutorials | true | Helpful messages are displayed in the game. |
difficulty_set | false | TODO: What does this do? |
volume_shadows | false | Use experimental volume shadow graphics tech. |
ssao | false | Use experimental screen space ambient occlusion graphics tech. |
auto_ledge_grab | true | The player character will automatically grab ledges when they can. If false you need to hold right click to grab ledges. |
particle_field | true | Show particle fields in the game. TODO: Does this affect CPU particle fields, GPU particle fields, or both? |
custom_level_shaders | true | Use shaders made for specific levels to add things like snow, wetness near water etc. |
disable_fog | false | Disables atmoshperic fog. |
simple_fog | false | Extra simple fog calculations for low-end graphics cards. |
no_auto_nav_mesh | false | Disables automatic nav mesh generation. TODO: Verify that this is what it does |
no_texture_convert | false | Skip converting textures to .dds format to save VRAM. TODO: Verify that this is what it does |
gl_load_s3tc | true | TODO: What does this do? |
skip_loading_pause | false | You don't have to press left click to start the level after it has been loaded. |
brightness | 1 | Increase or decrease the brightness of the game. |
use_soundtrack_limiter | true | Better handling of music volume when transitioning between tracks. |
master_volume | 0.8 | Overall loudness of all game audio. |
music_volume | 0.4 | Loudness of game music. |
media_mode | false | Determines whether to disable the in-game interface. |
baked_shadows | true | (Deprecated) Determines whether to use the pre-baked shadows (true) or cascaded shadow maps (false). |
debug_key_presses | false | TODO: What does this do? How are key presses debugged when this is on? |
block_cheating_progress | true | Disables unlocking levels when cheats are active, like when in the editor. |
auto_camera | false | Determines whether to have the camera automatically return to a position behind the player. TODO: Does this apply only when a controller is used? |
split_screen | false | Determines if the game view should be split or not when there is more than one player. |
chase_camera_fov | 90.0 | The field of view of the camera when playing the game. |
editor_camera_fov | 90.0 | The default field of view of the camera when in the editor. |
report_case_errors | false | Reports capitalization errors in the log when they are found. TODO: Does this work? |
background_process_pool | false | Use background processes for things like calculating the nav mesh. TODO: Is this accurate? |
main_menu | true | Show main menu when starting the game. If false it will load the level at the path in the debug_load_level setting. |
debug_load_level | Project60/16_red_desert.xml | If main_menu is set to false, the level at this path will load when the game is started. |
mouse_sensitivity | 0.5 | Determines how far the camera in the game rotates when the mouse moves. |
gpu_skinning | false | Use the graphics card to skin characters. This should be false to avoid any issues. |
detail_objects | 1 | Determines if 3D grass models, small rocks etc. are displayed on the terrain. |
seamless_cubemaps | true | Make cubemaps display seamlessly. TODO: When is this useful? |
debug_keys | true | Enables use of debug keys, such as F for laser eyes. TODO: Does this still work? |
shader_dir_path | Data/GLSL/ | Where the game looks for shaders. TODO: Does this work? |
debug_show_ai_state | false | TODO: What does this do? |
debug_show_ai_path | false | Show lines to every NPC's destination. |
debug_draw_window | false | Show debug window in the top left. |
albedo_only | false | Display only color of objects, without any lighting etc. |
no_decals | false | Disable rendering of decals. |
single_pass_shadow_cascade | false | Render all real-time shadows in a single pass. TODO: Does this still work? |
key[quit] | esc | Exits from player mode into editor mode, and opens a menu allowing the user to return to the main menu. |
key[slow] | tab | Toggles slow motion. |
key[fast] | \ | |
key[crouch] | lshift | Causes the player to crouch. |
key[jump] | space | Causes the player to jump. |
key[screenshot] | f7 | Captures a screenshot (saved in /Data/Screenshots/) |
key[console] | ` | Toggles the game console. |
key[left] | a | Causes the player to move to the left. |
key[right] | d | Causes the player to move to the right. |
key[up] | w | Causes the player to move forward. |
key[down] | s | Causes the player to move backward. |
key[item] | e | Causes the player to put a weapon to your waist or into a scabbard on your waist. |
key[drop] | q | Causes the player to pick up the weapon, combination of left shift and q will drop an item. |
key[chat] | t | Brings up the chat interface. |
key[rclick] | rshift | Alternate key used for "right clicking". |
xbox_look_sensitivity | 1.5 | Sensitivity of an attached Xbox controller. |
xbox[jump] | RB | Xbox jump button. |
xbox[crouch] | LB | Xbox crouch button. |
xbox[attack] | RT | Xbox attack button. |
xbox[grab] | LT | Xbox grab button. |
xbox[item] | A | Xbox item button. |
xbox[drop] | X | Xbox drop button. |
controller[movex] | axis1 | Controller axis mapped for movement along the x-axis. |
controller[movey] | axis2 | Controller axis mapped for movement along the y-axis. |
controller[lookx] | axis5 | Controller axis mapped for looking along the x-axis. |
controller[looky] | axis4 | Controller axis mapped for looking along the y-axis. |
controller[jump] | button6 | Controller jump button. |
controller[crouch] | button5 | Controller crouch button. |
controller[item] | button1 | Controller item button. |
controller[drop] | button3 | Controller drop button. |
controller[attack] | axis3<-0.5 | Controller attack "button" (default mapping is set to an axis being less than half full in a negative direction). |
controller[grab] | axis3>0.5 | Controller grab "button" (default mapping is set to an axis being greater than half full in a positive direction). |
Controller Setup
Since alpha 150, external controller options have been added to the config.txt file. The following guide will help you configure your controller to properly work with Overgrowth.
Note: Currently the guide only targets Windows 7 users. Mac users may refer to Anton's guide.
First, make sure your controller is plugged in to your computer.
Next, open the start menu and click on Control Panel (located on the right side). Once opened, make sure the view is set to Large Icons (switchable in the upper right corner). Select Devices and Printers.
You should see your controller listed under Devices. Right click it, and select Game Controller Settings. The Game Controllers window will appear. Make sure your controller is selected, then click on Properties.
Once again, a new window should appear - make sure that the view is set to the Test tab. In this view, you will be able to determine which physical button is mapped to each virtual button. Play around with your controller to confirm that everything is working properly, and take note of the button mappings.
Now navigate to and open up your config.txt file (as described above). Rearrange the mappings in the file to match your desired controller setup.
Once you have everything modified, save the config.txt file and launch Overgrowth in order to test the new configuration.