Binary File Formats

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These are (some of) the custom binary file formats that are used by Wolfire's games (the Phoenix engine for Overgrowth, and Lugaru).

They are in 010 editor template format (which is not a free product). This format is quite a lot like C code, though not exactly C.

NOTE: If there's an open source tool and/or binary file description format for doing similar things (besides just writing out C code), then please let Wolfire know!


This is the animation file format for rigged objects in the Phoenix engine.

//--- 010 Editor v7.0.2 Binary Template
//      File:
//   Authors: Wolfire Games
//   Version: 1.0
//   Purpose: Animation for Phoenix Engine
//  Category: 3D
// File Mask: *.anm
//   History:
//   1.0   Initial release

struct vec3 {
    float x;
    float y;
    float z;

struct mat4x4 {
    float components[16];

struct { // file
    struct { // header
        int version;

        if (version >= 10) {
            char centered;
        } else {
            local char centered = false;

        if (version >= 1) {
            char looping;
        } else {
            local char looping = true;

        if (version > 0 && version < 11) {
            int start;
        } else {
            local int start = version;

        int total_length;
    } header <bgcolor=cLtGray>;

    struct { // keyframes
        int frame_count;

        struct { // frames
            int time;

            if (header.version >= 4) {
                int num_weights;
                float weights[num_weights];

            int num_bone_matrices;
            mat4x4 bone_matrices[num_bone_matrices];

            if (header.version >= 7) {
                int num_weapon_matrices;

                if (header.version >= 8) {
                    struct {
                        mat4x4 matrix;
                        int relative_id;
                        float relative_weight;
                    } weapon_matrices[num_weapon_matrices];
                } else {
                    mat4x4 weapon_matrices[num_weapon_matrices];

            if (header.version >= 9) {
                char use_mobility;

                if (use_mobility) {
                    mat4x4 mobility_matrix;

            if (header.version >= 2) {
                int num_events;

                struct {
                    int which_bone_index;
                    int event_name_size;
                    char event_name[event_name_size] <optimize=false>;
                } events[num_events];

            if (header.version >= 3) {
                int num_ik_bones;

                struct {
                    vec3 ignored1;
                    vec3 ignored2;
                    int num_paths;
                    int paths[num_paths];
                    int ik_bone_label_size;
                    char ik_bone_label[ik_bone_label_size] <optimize=false>;
                } ik_bones[num_ik_bones] <optimize=false>;

            if (header.version >= 5) {
                int num_shape_keys;

                struct {
                    float weight;
                    int shape_label_size;
                    char label[shape_label_size] <optimize=false>;
                } shape_keys[num_shape_keys] <optimize=false>;

            if (header.version >= 6) {
                int num_status_keys;

                struct {
                    float weight;
                    int status_key_label_size;
                    char label[status_key_label_size] <optimize=false>;
                } status_keys[num_status_keys] <optimize=false>;

            if (header.centered) {
                float rotation;
                float center_offset;
        } frames[frame_count] <optimize=false>;
    } keyframes;
} file;


This is the model file format for models in the Lugaru engine.

//--- 010 Editor v7.0.2 Binary Template
//      File:
//   Authors: Wolfire Games
//   Version: 1.0
//   Purpose: Model data for Lugaru engine
//  Category: 3D
// File Mask: *.solid
//   History: 
//   1.0   Initial release

struct {  // file
  short vertex_count;
  short triangle_count;

  struct {  // vertices
    float x;
    float y;
    float z;
  } vertices[vertex_count];

  struct {  // triangles
    short vertex_index;
    short _unused <hidden=true>;
    short vertex_index;
    short _unused <hidden=true>;
    short vertex_index;
    short _unused <hidden=true>;

    float gx[3];
    float gy[3];
  } triangles[triangle_count];
} file;


This is the skeleton file format for rigged objects in the Phoenix engine.

//--- 010 Editor v7.0.2 Binary Template
//      File:
//   Authors: Wolfire Games
//   Version: 1.0
//   Purpose: Animation Bones for Phoenix Engine
//  Category: 3D
// File Mask: *.phxbn
//   History:
//   1.0   Initial release

struct vec3 {
    float x;
    float y;
    float z;

struct vec4 {
    float x;
    float y;
    float z;
    float w;

struct mat4x4 {
    float components[16];

enum RiggingStage {
    nothing = -1,
    create_bones = 0,
    control_joints = 1,
    animate = 2,
    pose_weights = 3,

enum JointType {
    hinge_joint = 0,
    amotor_joint = 1,
    fixed_joint = 2,

typedef struct {
    JointType joint_type;

    if (joint_type == amotor_joint) {
        float amotor_stop_angle[6];
    } else if (joint_type == hinge_joint) {
        float hinge_stop_angle[2];

    int bone_id[2];

    if (joint_type == hinge_joint) {
        vec3 axis;

    return sizeof(JointType) +
        sizeof(int) * 2 +  // bone_id
        (ReadInt(startof(j)) == amotor_joint ? sizeof(float) * 6 : 0) +
        (ReadInt(startof(j)) == hinge_joint ? (sizeof(float) * 2 + sizeof(vec3)) : 0);

typedef struct {
    int bone_id;
    int chain_length;
    int name_length;
    char name[name_length];

    return sizeof(int) + // bone_id
        sizeof(int) +  // chain_length
        sizeof(int) +  // name_length
        (ReadInt(startof(b) + sizeof(int) * 2));  // name

struct { // file
    struct { // header
        int version;  // If version >= 6, this field exists
        RiggingStage rigging_stage;

        if (rigging_stage == animate) {
            rigging_stage = control_joints;
    } header <bgcolor=cLtGray>;

    struct { // points
        int count;
        vec3 points[count];

        if (header.version >= 8) {
            int point_parent_indices[count];
    } points <bgcolor=cLtGreen>;

    struct { // bones
        int count;

        struct BONE_END {
            int index_first;
            int index_second;
        } bone_ends[count];

        if (header.version >= 8) {
            int bone_parent_indices[count];

        if (header.version >= 6) {
            float bone_masses[count];
            // Also loads shared mass data from a different file, if provided

        if (header.version >= 7) {
            vec3 bone_com[count];
        } else {
            // bone_com = bone-ends midpoints, calculated from above data
            // no file space taken up here

        if (header.version >= 9) {
            mat4x4 _bone_mat_ignored[count];  // ignored, calcuated elsewhere
    } bones <bgcolor=cLtBlue>;

    struct { // control_joints
        if (header.rigging_stage == control_joints) {
            if (header.version >= 11) {
                int num_vertices;  // TODO: Where do we get this if version isn't >= 11?

            vec4 bone_weights[num_vertices];
            vec4 bone_ids[num_vertices];

            int hier_parents_bone_ids[bones.count];

            int num_joints;

            struct JOINTS {
                JOINTRECORD records[num_joints] <optimize=false>;
            } joints;
    } control_joints <bgcolor=cLtAqua>;

    if (header.version >= 10) {
        struct { // simple_ik_bones
            int count;
            SIMPLE_IK_BONE_RECORD records[count] <optimize=false>;
        } simple_ik_bones;
} file;


This is the save file format for the Phoenix engine.

Note: This is not the most up to date version of this format! This does not cover the .sav3 file type.

//--- 010 Editor v7.0.2 Binary Template
//      File:
//   Authors: Wolfire Games
//   Version: 1.0
//   Purpose: Script-persisted data for Phoenix Engine
//  Category: Games
// File Mask: *.sav
//  ID Bytes: 4F 76 65 72 67 72 6F 77 74 68 20 53 61 76 65
//   History:
//   1.0   Initial release

#define FILE_ID_LENGTH Strlen("Overgrowth Save")
#define MD5_LENGTH 16

typedef struct {  // PAIR
  uint16 key_length <fgcolor=cLtGray>;
  char key[key_length];

  uint16 value_length <fgcolor=cLtGray>;
  char value[value_length] <optimize=false>;
} PAIR <read=get_pair_value>;

string get_pair_name(PAIR& pair_data) {
  return pair_data.key;

string get_pair_value(PAIR& pair_data) {
  if(pair_data.value_length > 0) {
    return pair_data.value;
  } else {
    return "";

typedef struct {  // MD5
  uchar value[MD5_LENGTH];
} MD5 <read=get_md5>;

string get_md5(MD5& md5_data) {
  char result[MD5_LENGTH * 2];
  int i;
  SPrintf(result, "%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x",
    md5_data.value[0], md5_data.value[1], md5_data.value[2], md5_data.value[3],
    md5_data.value[4], md5_data.value[5], md5_data.value[6], md5_data.value[7],
    md5_data.value[8], md5_data.value[9], md5_data.value[10], md5_data.value[11],
    md5_data.value[12], md5_data.value[13], md5_data.value[14], md5_data.value[15]);
  return result;

typedef struct {  // LEVEL_OR_MOD
  uint16 name_length <fgcolor=cLtGray>;
  char name[name_length] <fgcolor=cBlue>;

  MD5 md5 <name="md5", fgcolor=cGray>;

  uint16 pair_count <fgcolor=cLtGray>;
  PAIR pairs[pair_count] <optimize=false, name=get_pair_name>;

string get_level_or_mod_name(LEVEL_OR_MOD& level_or_mod_data) {

struct {  // file
  char id_bytes[FILE_ID_LENGTH] <hidden=true, fgcolor=cLtGray>;
  uint16 file_version;

  uint16 level_or_mod_count <fgcolor=cLtGray>;
  LEVEL_OR_MOD level_or_mods[level_or_mod_count] <optimize=false, name=get_level_or_mod_name>;
} file;