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This Page doesn't cover creating self-made hotspots. To read about that, see Hotspot Scripting.

Hotspots are objects that make things happen in the game in different ways. They can be used to make fire, water, kill boxes, objectives and much more.

Several hotspots can be found in the top bar under Load → Hotspot, however not all hotspots can be found there. All hotspots can be found by going to Load → Load item... and browsing to ../Overgrowth/Data/Objects/Hotspots/.

This page lists all hotspots available in the game and what their use is.



When the player enters the hotspot some NPCs has their static flag set to false. This can be used to optimize a level by having enemies be static until the player gets close to them.

Script Params

Parameter Type Description
characters list of ints A space-delimited list of IDs of characters which should have their static flag set to false when the player enters the hotspot

Example: 5124 423 566


Is used to play environment sounds, either in some specific part of the level, or in the entire level. It can be used to add creaky wood sounds only to a ship, wind sound only at the top of a mountain, rustling leaves sound only close to trees and so on.

Script Params

Parameter Type Description
Delay Max int The maximum random time in seconds until this sound triggers after having been triggered
Delay Min int Same as Delay Max, except the minimum random time
Fade Distance int The distance in meters outside of the hotspot that the sound should start being audible, it fades in to full volume as the camera gets closer to the hotspot
Gain float How loud the sound should be
Global bool If the sound should play everywhere, and not only at the hotspot's location
Sound Path string The path to the sound to use, they can be found in Data/Sounds/
Wind Scale bool Makes the sound increase and decrease in volume to make it feel like it's being created by wind


When the player enters this hotspot's volume, they are pushed in a specific direction based on the rotation of the hotspot. Note that it only pushes horizontally, it can not push up or down. To know which direction it pushes in, simply test it by running into it.


Renders an image in the middle of the screen when the player is inside the hotspot.

Script Params

Parameter Type Description
[0] Display Image Path string Location on disk of image to show
[1] Scale float How large the image should be, in percent
[2a] Red Tint int Multiplier for image's red channel
[2b] Green Tint int Multiplier for image's green channel
[2c] Blue Tint int Multiplier for image's blue channel
[2d] Alpha Tint int Multiplier for image's alpha channel


Shows some text on the screen while the player is in the hotspot. Does not support word wrap or line breaks.

Script Params

Parameter Type Description
Display Text string Text to show


Does not work.


Creates either smoke, fog or water splashes within the hotspot volume.

Script Params

Parameter Type Description
Type string Set it to either "Smoke", "Foggy" or "Falling Water" (without the quotes)


Changes the HDR settings when the player character enters the hotspot.

Script Params

Parameter Type Description
HDR Black point float Sets the low range of the dynamic range
HDR Bloom multiplier float Changes the intensity of the bloom effect
HDR White point float Sets the high range of the dynamic range


Pretty looking fire composed of a number of textured ribbons and a light source. Can ignite characters when they touch it.

Script Params

Parameter Type Description
Fire Ribbons int The number of ribbons that should be used
Ignite Characters bool If checked, characters will ignite when they touch the fire, only works on NPCs if they are ragdolled
Light Amplify float The intensity of the light from the fire
Light Distance float How far away the light should reach TODO: What unit is this in?


TODO: How does this work?


Kills any character that enters the hotspot.

Script Params

Parameter Type Description
KillNPC bool If checked, the hotspot is lethal to NPCs
KillPlayer bool If checked, the hotspot is lethal to the player


Ignites and instantly kills any character that comes into contact with the hotspot.


Sends a global "levelwin" message when the player enters the hotspot.

Script Params

Parameter Type Description
branch string After the "levelwin" message, a space is added and then this string


Loads a specified level when the player enters the hotspot.

Script Params

Parameter Type Description
Level to load string The path to the level you want to load, starting in ../Overgrowth/


Adds a hawk that circles around the hotspot.


A checkpoint that's used together with the respawn_at_checkpoint hotspot. Entering this hotspot makes this the current checkpoint. When touching a respawn_at_checkpoint you get teleported to the center of the most recently touched new_checkpoint hotspot.

Script Params

Parameter Type Description
LastEnteredTime int A timestamp for when this was most recently touched, this is used to determine which new_checkpoint hotspot to respawn at when touching a respawn_at_checkpoint hotspot


Any ledge within this hotspot can't be grabbed. You would usually use the collision painting system to decide whether a ledge is grabbable, but if you want to for instance make a ledge in a prefab not grabbable you can't always do that, so you can then use this no_grab hotspot instead.


Deletes the specified object when the player enters the hotspot.

Note that this hotspot does not use the actual name of the object. You need to manually add a script parameter on the object you want to delete called "Name", and write the same name you specify in "Object name to dissapear" parameter in the hotspot.

Keep in mind that this hotspot actually deletes the objects from the level, as if you would have deleted them in the editor.

Script Params

Parameter Type Description
Object name to dissapear string Any object that has an added "Name" script parameter that is the same as the string in this parameter will be deleted


The hotspot used in the Overgrowth story to set goals and/or layered music within a level. All the Information for this Hotspot can be found on the Checkpoints page.

TODO: Should another hotspot be used instead of this one?


The checkpoints used in the Overgrowth story to activate a "reach" goal. All the Information about this Hotspot can be found on the Checkpoints page. TODO: Should another hotspot be used instead of this one?


Allows for traveling bwtween levels. Requires a portal_manager hotspot to function properly.

You can specify a light that gets brighter as a character approaches the portal.

To be able to travel to this portal from another level you need to create a Load → Utility → Player Spawn object.

Script Params

Parameter Type Description
Level to load string The path to the level to load when entering this hotspot
light_id int The ID of the dynamic_light_object that should get brighter when a character gets closer to the hotspot
spawn_point int The ID of the Player Spawn object you want the player to spawn at when teleporting to this level


Required when using the portal hotspot.

Script Params

Parameter Type Description
Level to load int list The IDs of all portals in the level


Resets any character that touches this hotspot to their spawn location.


Resets the level when the player touches it, as if you press L in the editor.


Used together with the new_checkpoint hotspot. When the player touches this hotspot they get teleported to the center of the most recently touched new_checkpoint.


After the player enters the hotspot, a new level is loaded after a set amount of time.

Script Params

Parameter Type Description
next_level string The path to the level to load
time_to_next_level int Number of seconds to wait before loading the next level


A spike that can impale characters.


Allows for dialogues to be started in different ways when the player is in the hotspot. For more information about dialogues read the Dialogue article.

Script Params

Parameter Type Description
Automatic bool The dialogue starts automatically when the player enters the hotspot
Color RGB floats TODO: What does this do?
Dialogue string The name of the dialogue to start
Fade bool Fade to black when starting the dialogue, to make transition less jarring
Visible in game bool Keeps the signpost icon visible in the game


TODO: Does it not work like FinishRace ? Used to start a race similar to the one shown off in the video A Race Course In Overgrowth - Wolfire Games.


Activates built-in tutorials when entered. Settings → Game → Tutorials needs to be on for the tutorials to trigger.

Script Params

Parameter Type Description
Type string Decides which tutorial to run, can be one of the following: stealth, basic, jump_climb, walljump, jump_higher, jump_long, combat, jumpkick, knife, throw, flip_roll


TODO: Is this still usable? If so, how is it used?


Makes the specified objects move as if they are on water.

Script Params

Parameter Type Description
Objects list of ints The IDs of the objects that should be affected
SavedTransform Translation & rotation as floats The original location of the objects
rotation_scale float Multiplier of rotation
time_scale float How fast the objects should move
translation_scale float Multiplier of translation


TODO: Is this simply a better optimized version of the "water_bob" hotspot?


A block of water with nice graphics that slows you down if you walk in it and drowns you if you're below the surface for too long.

Script Params

Parameter Type Description
Water Fog float How far down into the water you can see
Wave Density float How zoomed in the waves should be
Wave Height float How strong the waves should be

Deprecated and Component Hotspots

These hotspots have either been replaced by a better alternative, have stopped working at some point during the development of the game, can't be used on their own, or are simply old and forgotten.


Remnant from old tutorial level.


No longer used, should use the new checkpoint system instead.


Does not work anymore.


Crashes the game.


Function unknown.


Function unknown.


No longer works. Used in the Video A Race Course In Overgrowth - Wolfire Games.


Not used on its own, used in aschar for impaling.


Deprecated, use the generic_kill or lava_kill hotspots instead.


The level hotspot used in the official Lugaru story.


Old unused challenge hotspot.


This is actually not a hotspot, it just creates an emitter hotspot that's pre-configured as fog.


Particle based rain, use the rain shaders instead.


Used by the spike hotspot.


Particle based snow, use the snow shaders instead.


Deprecated, use wet_cube instead.