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m (Object XML -> Label element)
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= Object XML =
= Object XML =
This is the top-level XML file for a level object. It specifies visual parameters, some gameplay parameters, and paths for visual assets.<br>
Other XML file types reference this XML file type, such as [[Xml File Formats#Character XML|Character XML files]] and [[Xml File Formats#Item XML|Item XML files]].
== Object XML Example ==
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <PaletteMap label_red="Bars"
                label_blue="Banner 1"
                label_alpha="Banner 2"
                label_other="Banner 3">
        <DetailMap colorpath="Data/Textures/Buildings/detail_textures/wood_grain_c.tga"
                  materialpath="Data/Materials/wood.xml" />
        <DetailMap colorpath="Data/Textures/Buildings/detail_textures/gray_metal_c.tga"
                  materialpath="Data/Materials/rocks.xml" />
        <DetailMap colorpath="Data/Textures/Buildings/detail_textures/cat_cobbles_c.tga"
                  materialpath="Data/Materials/rocks.xml" />
        <DetailMap colorpath="Data/Textures/Buildings/detail_textures/gold_hexagons_c.tga"
                  materialpath="Data/Materials/rocks.xml" />
        <DetailObject obj_path="Data/GrassTest/grass_square.xml" weight_path="Data/Textures/Environments/Cliffs/groundbase_02_grass_short.png"
                      normal_conform="0.9" density="3" min_embed="-0.2" max_embed="0.0" min_scale="4.0" max_scale="6.8"
                      view_distance="10" jitter_degrees="10" overbright="0" />
        <DetailObject obj_path="Data/GrassTest/grass_square.xml" weight_path="Data/Textures/Environments/Cliffs/groundbase_02_grass_short.png"
                      normal_conform="0.9" density="2" min_embed="-0.2" max_embed="0.0" min_scale="4.0" max_scale="6.8"
                      view_distance="20" jitter_degrees="10" overbright="0" />
        <DetailObject obj_path="Data/Objects/Environment/Rocks/lichen_rock_a.xml" weight_path="Data/Textures/Terrain/forest_hills/forest_hills_not_grass.tga"
                      normal_conform="1" density="20" min_embed="0.3" max_embed="0.7" min_scale="0.08" max_scale="0.12"
                      view_distance="10" jitter_degrees="45" overbright="0.4" tint_weight="0.5" collision_type="static" />
    <avg_color r = "100" g = "128" b = "47" />
    <Flags transparent = "true"
          no_collision = "true"
          clamp_texture = "true"
          bush_collision = "true"
          terrain_fixed = "true"
          dynamic = "true"
          double_sided = "true"
    <ColorTint r = "101" g = "129" b = "46" />
== Object XML -> Model element ==
'''Required''' - Path to the obj format model file.
=== Model element -> element text ===
'''Required''' - String value. Path to the obj format model file.
== Object XML -> ColorMap element ==
'''Required''' - Path to the image file for the color map texture for the object.
=== ColorMap element -> element text ===
'''Required''' - String value. Path to the image file for the color map texture for the object.
== Object XML -> NormalMap element ==
'''Required''' - Path to the image file for the normal map texture for the object.
=== NormalMap element -> element text ===
'''Required''' - String value. Path to the image file for the normal map texture for the object.
== Object XML -> TranslucencyMap element ==
'''Optional''' - Path to the image file for the translucency map texture for the object.
=== TranslucencyMap element -> element text ===
'''Required''' - String value. Path to the image file for the translucency map texture for the object.
== Object XML -> WindMap element ==
'''Optional''' - Path to the image file for the wind map texture for the object.
=== WindMap element -> element text ===
'''Required''' - String value. Path to the image file for the wind map texture for the object.
== Object XML -> SharpnessMap element ==
'''Optional''' - String value. Path to the image file for the sharpness map texture for the object. Used for weapon objects.<br>
'''TODO''': links to/from other file types for this field?
=== SharpnessMap element -> element text ===
'''Required''' - String value. Path to the image file for the sharpness map texture for the object. Used for weapon objects.
== Object XML -> Label element ==
'''Optional''' - This is referenced by the editor to display a label for the object in the level, while in edit mode.<br>
'''TODO''': Is this right? Or is it for gameplay scripting? -merlyn
=== Label element -> element text ===
'''Required''' - String value. This is referenced by the editor to display a label for the object in the level, while in edit mode.<br>
'''TODO''': Is this right? Or is it for gameplay scripting? -merlyn
== Object XML -> WeightMap element ==
'''Optional''' - Path to the image file for the weight map texture for the object.
=== WeightMap element -> element text ===
'''Required''' - String value. Path to the image file for the weight map texture for the object.
== Object XML -> PaletteMap element ==
    <PaletteMap label_red="Bars"
                label_blue="Banner 1"
                label_alpha="Banner 2"
                label_other="Banner 3">
'''Optional''' - Specifies a set of different tintable areas on this object. The labels are the text displayed in the editor interface. Each color channel of the specified image will be used as a mask to specify where on the object's model the tinting should be limited to.
=== PaletteMap element -> element text ===
<PaletteMap ...>
'''Required''' - String value. Path to the image file for the color masks, used when there's tint parameters that limit the tint to a specific area on the object, such as character clothing colors, a tintable area on a weapon, etc.
=== PaletteMap element -> label_red attribute ===
<PaletteMap label_red="Clothing Color 1">
'''Optional''' - String value. The text displayed in the editor interface, next to the editable color corresponding to the red channel of the tint mask image.
=== PaletteMap element -> label_green attribute ===
<PaletteMap label_green="Clothing Color 2">
'''Optional''' - String value. The text displayed in the editor interface, next to the editable color corresponding to the green channel of the tint mask image.
=== PaletteMap element -> label_blue attribute ===
<PaletteMap label_blue="Clothing Color 3">
'''Optional''' - String value. The text displayed in the editor interface, next to the editable color corresponding to the blue channel of the tint mask image.
=== PaletteMap element -> label_alpha attribute ===
<PaletteMap label_alpha="Clothing Color 4">
'''Optional''' - String value. The text displayed in the editor interface, next to the editable color corresponding to the alpha channel of the tint mask image.
=== PaletteMap element -> label_other attribute ===
<PaletteMap label_alpha="Clothing Color 5">
'''Optional''' - String value. The text displayed in the editor interface, next to the editable color corresponding to the "other" channel of the tint mask image.<br>
'''TODO''': What the heck even is a "other" channel on an image? Does this even do anything in code, besides get parsed? -merlyn
== Object XML -> DetailMaps element ==
        <DetailMap colorpath="Data/Textures/Buildings/detail_textures/wood_grain_c.tga"
                  materialpath="Data/Materials/wood.xml" />
'''Optional''' - A list of secondary material layers that provide fine, repeated visual detail on top of the object's main texture layers.
== Object XML -> DetailMaps element -> DetailMap element ==
<DetailMap colorpath="Data/Textures/Buildings/detail_textures/wood_grain_c.tga"
          materialpath="Data/Materials/wood.xml" />
'''Optional''' - The parameters for the detail map textures that repeat across the model, providing finer-scale detail. There can be up to four of these.
=== DetailMap element -> colorpath attribute ===
<DetailMap colorpath="Data/Textures/Buildings/detail_textures/wood_grain_c.tga" ... />
'''Required''' - String value. Specifies the path to the image for this detail map's color map texture.
=== DetailMap element -> normalpath attribute ===
<DetailMap normalpath="Data/Textures/Buildings/detail_textures/wood_grain_n.tga" ... />
'''Required''' - String value. Specifies the path to the image for the detail map's normal map texture.
=== DetailMap element -> materialpath attribute ===
<DetailMap materialpath="Data/Materials/wood.xml" ... />
'''Required''' - String value. Specifies the path to the [[Xml File Formats#Material XML|Material XML]] for the given detail map level.<br>
'''TODO''': What is this used for? Aren't detail maps a visual-only thing? -merlyn
== Object XML -> DetailObjects element ==
== Object XML -> DetailObjects element -> DetailObject element ==
=== DetailObject element -> obj_path attribute ===
=== DetailObject element -> weight_path attribute ===
=== DetailObject element -> normal_conform attribute ===
=== DetailObject element -> density attribute ===
=== DetailObject element -> min_embed attribute ===
=== DetailObject element -> max_embed attribute ===
=== DetailObject element -> min_scale attribute ===
=== DetailObject element -> max_scale attribute ===
=== DetailObject element -> view_distance attribute ===
=== DetailObject element -> jitter_degrees attribute ===
=== DetailObject element -> overbright attribute ===
=== DetailObject element -> tint_weight attribute ===
=== DetailObject element -> collision_type attribute ===
== Object XML -> ShaderName element ==
=== ShaderName element -> element text ===
== Object XML -> avg_color element ==
    <avg_color r = "100" g = "128" b = "47" />
'''Optional''' - The color that the object should use for rendering acceleration, e.g. if a texture hasn't loaded in, or for simplified lighting.<br>
'''TODO''': Is this even remotely correct? Kinda just guessing, without looking at the code. -merlyn
=== avg_color element -> r attribute ===
<avg_color r = "100" ... />
'''Required''' - Integer value. Specifies the intensity of the red channel of the average color. Value is between <code>0</code> and <code>255</code>.
=== avg_color element -> g attribute ===
<avg_color ... g = "128" ... />
'''Required''' - Integer value. Specifies the intensity of the green channel of the average color. Value is between <code>0</code> and <code>255</code>.
=== avg_color element -> b attribute ===
<avg_color ... b = "47" />
'''Required''' - Integer value. Specifies the intensity of the blue channel of the average color. Value is between <code>0</code> and <code>255</code>.
== Object XML -> MaterialPath element ==
'''Optional''' - Specifies the path to the [[Xml File Formats#Material XML|Material XML]] for the object.<br>
This is used for physics interaction events with this object, including sounds, particles, and decals that will be applied when collisions occur.
=== MaterialPath element -> element text ===
'''Required''' - String value. Specifies the path to the [[Xml File Formats#Material XML|Material XML]] for the object.<br>
This is used for physics interaction events with this object, including sounds, particles, and decals that will be applied when collisions occur.
== Object XML -> Flags element ==
    <Flags transparent = "true"
          no_collision = "true"
          clamp_texture = "true"
          bush_collision = "true"
          terrain_fixed = "true"
          dynamic = "true"
          double_sided = "true"
'''Optional''' - A list of flags that will be applied to this object, if set to true. Some of these flags affect rendering (e.g. <code>double_sided</code>), some affect physics (e.g. <code>no_collision</code>), and others affect gameplay interactions with this object (e.g. <code>bush_collision</code>).
=== Flags element -> transparent attribute ===
<Flags transparent = "true" ... />
'''Optional''' - Boolean value. If <code>true</code>, then the object will be rendered in the transparent rendering pass.<br>
This flag doesn't make the object transparent on its own, and must also be coupled with transparent shader flags and a transparency map texture.
=== Flags element -> no_collision attribute ===
<Flags no_collision = "true" ... />
'''Optional''' - Boolean value. If <code>true</code>, then the object will not trigger collisions with players, items, or weapons.<br>
=== Flags element -> clamp_texture attribute ===
<Flags clamp_texture = "true" ... />
'''Optional''' - Boolean value. If <code>true</code>, then the object will render with its texture clamped at its edges, instead of repeating.<br>
=== Flags element -> bush_collision attribute ===
<Flags bush_collision = "true" ... />
'''Optional''' - Boolean value. If <code>true</code>, then the object will trigger jiggle physics when items and characters collide with it. Physics objects will also be slowed down when interacting with it, but not completely blocked. It will also impact line of sight.
=== Flags element -> terrain_fixed attribute ===
<Flags terrain_fixed = "true" ... />
'''Optional''' - Boolean value. If <code>true</code>, then the object will be locked to the terrain when placed.<br>
'''TODO''': Is this an accurate description, or does it do something else? -merlyn
=== Flags element -> dynamic attribute ===
<Flags dynamic = "true" ... />
'''Optional''' - Boolean value. If <code>true</code>, then the object will be considered to move by script, and the physics engine will use that information for optimization<br>
'''TODO''': Is this an accurate description, or does it do something else? -merlyn
=== Flags element -> double_sided attribute ===
<Flags double_sided = "true" ... />
'''Optional''' - Boolean value. If <code>true</code>, then the object will have its polygons rendered double-sided. This is useful for objects such as flags and cloth, that have no thickness.
== Object XML -> GroundOffset element ==
'''Optional''' - The Y offset to position this object away from the ground, when placed in the world.
=== GroundOffset element -> element text ===
'''Required''' - Decimal value. The Y offset to position this object away from the ground, when placed in the world.
== Object XML -> ColorTint element ==
    <ColorTint r = "101" g = "129" b = "46" />
'''Optional''' - The color that the object should be tinted, by default. This can be overridden in the editor after the object is placed in the world.
=== ColorTint element -> r attribute ===
<ColorTint r = "101" ... />
'''Required''' - Integer value. Specifies the intensity of the red channel of the tint color. Value is between <code>0</code> and <code>255</code>.
=== ColorTint element -> g attribute ===
<ColorTint ... g = "129" ... />
'''Required''' - Integer value. Specifies the intensity of the green channel of the tint color. Value is between <code>0</code> and <code>255</code>.
=== ColorTint element -> b attribute ===
<ColorTint ... b = "46" />
'''Required''' - Integer value. Specifies the intensity of the blue channel of the tint color. Value is between <code>0</code> and <code>255</code>.
= Particle XML =
= Particle XML =

Revision as of 11:05, 10 September 2023



Level, Saved Object, Prefab - These have more confusing schemas, to the point where I'm not entirely sure they're distinct types from one another, and I haven't nailed them down yet -merlyn

Actor XML

This is the top-level XML file for an NPC or combat character. It binds a Character XML file to an AI angelscript file.
When a level references a character, this is the file type that is referenced.

Actor XML Example

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

Actor XML -> Character element


Required - String value. Path to Character XML

Actor XML -> ControlScript element


Required - String value. Path to AI angelscript. Relative to Data/Scripts folder

Asset Preload XML


Attachment XML


Attack XML


Character XML


Decal XML


Events XML


Hotspot XML

This is the top-level XML file for a hotspot game object. It specifies the billboard image, and the Hotspot angelscript file.
When a level references a hotspot, this is the file type that is referenced.

Hotspot XML Example

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

Hotspot XML -> Type element


Required - String value. This should always have the value <Type>generic</Type>.
Note: Having two document elements is not valid XML, and I'm not sure what purpose this element serves. But leave it in, since all the hotspots do it. -merlyn

Hotspot XML -> Character element


Required - String value. Path to image file. If you don't want a billboard image, you can use Data/UI/spawner/thumbs/Hotspot/empty.png.

Hotspot XML -> Script element


Required - String value. Path to Hotspot angelscript. Relative to Data/Scripts folder.

Item XML


Layered Song XML


Level Meta XML


Material XML

This XML file specifies the sounds that will be played when a character or item interacts with a world object. It is used to model the sound differences between wood, metal, soil, ice, etc.

Data/Materials/default.xml is the global "default" material, if the material isn't specified by the world object.

When the engine or a gameplay script detects a physics event, the code will do a lookup against the current material, for an event with that event name. If the event name is found, then the corresponding sound will be triggered.

Some of these events and materials might specify modifiers (soft, heavy, etc). If they do, the code will first do the lookup against the <events mod="themod"> version of the event.
If an event with the given name is not found with that modifier, the code will then lookup a version of the same event name, but with no modifiers specified.

Some of the values, if not specified, will look at a global "base" material to find the value of the parameter. max_distance is the only one of those parameters right now.

Data/Materials/base.xml is the global "base" material.

Material XML Example

From Data/Materials/dirt.xml - this is not the complete contents of that file.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
        <weapon_drop_light soundgroup="Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_drop_light_dirt.xml" attached="true"/>
        <weapon_drop_medium soundgroup="Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_drop_medium_dirt.xml" attached="true"/>
        <weapon_drop_heavy soundgroup="Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_drop_heavy_dirt.xml" attached="true"/>
        <-- Note: more sound events in the real file than just these -->
    <events mod="soft">
        <weapon_drop_light soundgroup="Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/soft_bag_on_hard.xml" attached="true"/>
        <weapon_drop_medium soundgroup="Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/soft_bag_on_hard.xml" attached="true"/>
        <weapon_drop_heavy soundgroup="Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/soft_bag_on_hard.xml" attached="true"/>
        <step color="Data/Textures/Decals/Footprints/rabbitdirtprint_c.tga"
        <skid color="Data/Textures/Decals/Footprints/rabbitdirtsmear_c.tga"
        <step path="Data/Particles/heavydirt.xml"/>
        <skid path="Data/Particles/heavydirt.xml"/>
    <physics hardness = "0.8" friction = "1.0" sharp_penetration = "1.0" />

From Data/Materials/default.xml, which is the default Material XML file. It is used when other XML file types call for a Material XML, but one is not specified.
This is the complete contents of that file.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
        <leftrunstep soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_light_concrete_run.xml" attached="true"/>
        <rightrunstep soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_light_concrete_run.xml" attached="true"/>
        <leftwallstep soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_light_concrete_wallrun.xml" attached="true"/>
        <rightwallstep soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_light_concrete_wallrun.xml" attached="true"/>
        <leftwalkstep soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_light_concrete_walk.xml" attached="true"/>
        <rightwalkstep soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_light_concrete_walk.xml" attached="true"/>
        <leftcrouchwalkstep soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_light_concrete_crouchwalk.xml" attached="true"/>
        <rightcrouchwalkstep soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_light_concrete_crouchwalk.xml" attached="true"/>
        <leftcrouchwalkstep soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_light_concrete_crouchwalk.xml" attached="true"/>
        <rightcrouchwalkstep soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_light_concrete_crouchwalk.xml" attached="true"/>
        <land soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_light_concrete_jump_land.xml" attached="true"/>
        <land_soft soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_light_concrete_jump_land_soft.xml" attached="true"/>
        <land_slide soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_light_concrete_jump_land_slide.xml" attached="true"/>
        <slide soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/slide_concrete_short.xml" attached="true"/>
        <kick soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_light_concrete_kick.xml" attached="true"/>
        <sweep soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_light_concrete_sweep.xml" attached="true"/>
        <jump soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_light_concrete_jump.xml" attached="true"/>
        <roll soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_light_concrete_roll.xml" attached="true"/>
        <edge_grab soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_light_concrete_edge_grab.xml" attached="true"/>
        <edge_crawl soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_light_concrete_edgecrawl.xml" attached="true"/>
        <bodyfall soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/bf_concrete.xml" attached="true"/>
        <bodyfall_light soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/bf_concrete_light.xml" attached="true"/>
        <bodyfall_medium soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/bf_concrete_medium.xml" attached="true"/>
        <bodyfall_heavy soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/bf_concrete_heavy.xml" attached="true"/>
        <weapon_drop_light soundgroup="Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_drop_light_stone.xml" attached="true"/>
        <weapon_drop_medium soundgroup="Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_drop_medium_stone.xml" attached="true"/>
        <weapon_drop_heavy soundgroup="Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_drop_heavy_stone.xml" attached="true"/>
        <blood_spatter soundgroup="Data/Sounds/blood/spatter_hard.xml"/>
        <blood_drip soundgroup="Data/Sounds/blood/drip_lowpass.xml"/>
    <events mod="heavy">
        <leftrunstep soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_heavy_concrete_run.xml" attached="true"/>
        <rightrunstep soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_heavy_concrete_run.xml" attached="true"/>
        <leftwallstep soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_heavy_concrete_wallrun.xml" attached="true"/>
        <rightwallstep soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_heavy_concrete_wallrun.xml" attached="true"/>
        <leftwalkstep soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_heavy_concrete_walk.xml" attached="true"/>
        <rightwalkstep soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_heavy_concrete_walk.xml" attached="true"/>
        <leftcrouchwalkstep soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_heavy_concrete_crouchwalk.xml" attached="true"/>
        <rightcrouchwalkstep soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_heavy_concrete_crouchwalk.xml" attached="true"/>
        <leftcrouchwalkstep soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_heavy_concrete_crouchwalk.xml" attached="true"/>
        <rightcrouchwalkstep soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_heavy_concrete_crouchwalk.xml" attached="true"/>
        <land soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_heavy_concrete_jump_land.xml" attached="true"/>
        <land_soft soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_heavy_concrete_jump_land.xml" attached="true"/>
        <land_slide soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_heavy_concrete_jump_land.xml" attached="true"/>
        <kick soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_heavy_concrete_kick.xml" attached="true"/>
        <sweep soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_heavy_concrete_sweep.xml" attached="true"/>
        <jump soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_heavy_concrete_jump.xml" attached="true"/>
        <roll soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_heavy_concrete_roll.xml" attached="true"/>
        <edge_grab soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_heavy_concrete_edge_grab.xml" attached="true"/>
    <events mod="soft">
        <weapon_drop_light soundgroup="Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/soft_bag_on_hard.xml" attached="true"/>
        <weapon_drop_medium soundgroup="Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/soft_bag_on_hard.xml" attached="true"/>
        <weapon_drop_heavy soundgroup="Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/soft_bag_on_hard.xml" attached="true"/>
    <physics hardness = "1.0" friction = "1.0" sharp_penetration = "0.0" />

From Data/Materials/base.xml, which specifies the default max_distance values for all materials.
This is the complete contents of that file.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
        <leftrunstep max_distance = "40.0"/>
        <rightrunstep max_distance = "40.0"/>
        <leftwallstep max_distance = "40.0"/>
        <rightwallstep max_distance = "40.0"/>
        <leftwalkstep max_distance = "25.0"/>
        <rightwalkstep max_distance = "25.0"/>
        <leftcrouchwalkstep max_distance = "10.0"/>
        <rightcrouchwalkstep max_distance = "10.0"/>
        <land max_distance = "60.0"/>
        <land_soft max_distance = "30.0"/>
        <land_slide max_distance = "20.0"/>
        <slide max_distance = "30.0"/>
        <kick max_distance = "25.0"/>
        <sweep max_distance = "25.0"/>
        <jump max_distance = "40.0"/>
        <roll max_distance = "15.0"/>
        <edge_grab max_distance = "25.0"/>
        <edge_crawl max_distance = "15.0"/>
        <bodyfall max_distance = "80.0"/>
        <bodyfall_light max_distance = "40.0"/>
        <bodyfall_medium max_distance = "60.0"/>
        <bodyfall_heavy max_distance = "80.0"/>
        <weapon_drop_light max_distance = "80.0"/>
        <weapon_drop_medium max_distance = "80.0"/>
        <weapon_drop_heavy max_distance = "80.0"/>
        <blood_spatter max_distance = "30.0"/>
        <blood_drip max_distance = "20.0"/>
        <flip max_distance = "20.0"/>
        <choke_grab max_distance = "10.0"/>;
        <choke_move max_distance = "10.0"/>;
        <choke_fall max_distance = "10.0"/>;
    <events mod="heavy">
        <leftrunstep max_distance = "50.0"/>
        <rightrunstep max_distance = "50.0"/>
        <leftwallstep max_distance = "50.0"/>
        <rightwallstep max_distance = "50.0"/>
        <leftwalkstep max_distance = "30.0"/>
        <rightwalkstep max_distance = "30.0"/>
        <leftcrouchwalkstep max_distance = "20.0"/>
        <rightcrouchwalkstep max_distance = "20.0"/>
        <land max_distance = "80.0"/>
        <land_soft max_distance = "40.0"/>
        <land_slide max_distance = "40.0"/>
        <kick max_distance = "30.0"/>
        <sweep max_distance = "30.0"/>
        <jump max_distance = "50.0"/>
        <roll max_distance = "25.0"/>
        <edge_grab max_distance = "40.0"/>

Material XML -> Events element


Contains a list of collision sound events for the material.

Events element -> mod attribute

    <events mod="soft">

Optional - String value. Specifies that this list of collision sound events only apply when the given modifier is specified.
The modifiers are different ways the sounds will be presented, such as soft, heavy, etc.

Material XML -> Events element -> Sound element

        <leftrunstep soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_light_concrete_run.xml" attached="true" max_distance = "40.0"/>

The sound (and physical properties of the sound) for a given collision sound event. The name of the element corresponds to the name of the collision sound event (in this example, leftrunstep).

Sound element -> soundgroup attribute

    <leftrunstep soundgroup="Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_light_concrete_run.xml"/>

Optional - String value. Specifies the Sound Group XML for the material interaction event.
TODO:: Is this really optional? If so, what is the default behavior?

Sound element -> attached attribute

    <leftrunstep attached="true"/>

Optional - Boolean value. Default: false
If true, the sound (group) will be played as a sound that is attached to the character that triggered the collision sound event.

Sound element -> max_distance attribute

    <leftrunstep max_distance = "40.0"/>

Optional - Decimal value. Default: 0.0
The max distance that the sound will still be audible to the player.
If the value is 0.0, then the max distance will be considered infinite.
If it is not specified for a given sound collision event, then the corresponding value in Data/Materials/base.xml will be used instead.

Material XML -> Decals element


Contains a list of collision decal events for the material.

Material XML -> Decals element -> Decal element

        <step color="Data/Textures/Decals/Footprints/rabbitdirtprint_c.tga"
        <skid color="Data/Textures/Decals/Footprints/rabbitdirtsmear_c.tga"

The decal (and rendering properties of the decal) for a given collision decal event. The name of the element corresponds to the name of the collision decal event (in these examples, step and skid).

Decal element -> color attribute

        <step color="Data/Textures/Decals/Footprints/rabbitdirtprint_c.tga"/>

Required - String value. Specifies the path to the image for the decal's color texture.

Decal element -> normal attribute

        <step normal="Data/Textures/Decals/Footprints/rabbitdirtprint_n.tga"/>

Required - String value. Specifies the path to the image for the decal's normal texture.

Decal element -> shader attribute

        <step shader="stepdecalfast"/>

Required - String value. Specifies the shader name that will be used when rendering the decal.

Material XML -> Particles element


Contains a list of collision particle events for the material.

Material XML -> Particles element -> Particle element

        <step path="Data/Particles/heavydirt.xml"/>
        <skid path="Data/Particles/heavydirt.xml"/>

The particle for a given collision particle event. The name of the element corresponds to the name of the collision particle event (in these examples, step and skid).

Particle element -> path attribute

        <step path="Data/Particles/heavydirt.xml"/>

Required - String value. Path to Particle XML

Material XML -> Physics element

    <physics hardness = "0.8" friction = "1.0" sharp_penetration = "1.0" />

The physics properties of the the material. Collision gameplay events will use these properties to determine how to make other objects respond when they collide with the object this material is applied to.

Physics element -> hardness attribute

    <physics hardness = "0.8"/>

Optional - Decimal value. Default: 1.0
TODO: Describe

Physics element -> friction attribute

    <physics friction = "1.0"/>

Optional - Decimal value. Default: 1.0
The friction between any other object and the object this material is applied to.
In real life this would depend on the materials for both objects, but the game makes simplifying assumptions to make the mapping a bit less complicated.

Physics element -> sharp_penetration attribute

    <physics sharp_penetration = "1.0"/>

Optional - Decimal value. Default: 0.0
TODO: Describe



Music XML


Nav Mesh Meta XML


Object XML

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <PaletteMap label_red="Bars"
                label_blue="Banner 1"
                label_alpha="Banner 2"
                label_other="Banner 3">
        <DetailMap colorpath="Data/Textures/Buildings/detail_textures/wood_grain_c.tga"
                   materialpath="Data/Materials/wood.xml" />
        <DetailMap colorpath="Data/Textures/Buildings/detail_textures/gray_metal_c.tga"
                   materialpath="Data/Materials/rocks.xml" />
        <DetailMap colorpath="Data/Textures/Buildings/detail_textures/cat_cobbles_c.tga"
                   materialpath="Data/Materials/rocks.xml" />
        <DetailMap colorpath="Data/Textures/Buildings/detail_textures/gold_hexagons_c.tga"
                   materialpath="Data/Materials/rocks.xml" />
        <DetailObject obj_path="Data/GrassTest/grass_square.xml" weight_path="Data/Textures/Environments/Cliffs/groundbase_02_grass_short.png"
                      normal_conform="0.9" density="3" min_embed="-0.2" max_embed="0.0" min_scale="4.0" max_scale="6.8"
                      view_distance="10" jitter_degrees="10" overbright="0" />
        <DetailObject obj_path="Data/GrassTest/grass_square.xml" weight_path="Data/Textures/Environments/Cliffs/groundbase_02_grass_short.png"
                      normal_conform="0.9" density="2" min_embed="-0.2" max_embed="0.0" min_scale="4.0" max_scale="6.8"
                      view_distance="20" jitter_degrees="10" overbright="0" />
        <DetailObject obj_path="Data/Objects/Environment/Rocks/lichen_rock_a.xml" weight_path="Data/Textures/Terrain/forest_hills/forest_hills_not_grass.tga"
                      normal_conform="1" density="20" min_embed="0.3" max_embed="0.7" min_scale="0.08" max_scale="0.12"
                      view_distance="10" jitter_degrees="45" overbright="0.4" tint_weight="0.5" collision_type="static" />
    <ShaderName>envobject #DETAILMAP4</ShaderName>
    <avg_color r = "100" g = "128" b = "47" />
    <Flags transparent = "true"
           no_collision = "true"
           clamp_texture = "true"
           bush_collision = "true"
           terrain_fixed = "true"
           dynamic = "true"
           double_sided = "true"
    <ColorTint r = "101" g = "129" b = "46" />

Particle XML


Path XML


Reaction XML


Retarget XML



This is the XML file for a character skeleton. It binds a Character XML file to an AI angelscript file.
When a level references a character, this is the file type that is referenced.

Rig XML Example

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<rig bone_path = "Data/Skeletons/r_wolf2.phxbn"
     model_path = "Data/Models/Characters/IGF_Wolf/IGF_Wolf.obj"
     mass_path = "Data/Skeletons/r_lt_dog.xml"/>

Rig element -> bone_path attribute

<rig bone_path = "Data/Skeletons/r_wolf2.phxbn"/>

Required - String value. Path to the skeleton file, using the custom Phoenix Engine skeleton file type (PHXBN. This file MUST have been exported using the mesh specified in model_path.

Rig element -> model_path attribute

<rig model_path = "Data/Models/Characters/IGF_Wolf/IGF_Wolf.obj"/>

Required - String value. Path to Obj model file to use as skinned the character mesh. This file MUST be the same as the one used when exporting the skeleton specified in bone_path.

Rig element -> mass_path attribute

<rig mass_path = "Data/Skeletons/r_lt_dog.xml"/>

Optional - String value. Path to Rig XML. Used to override the current skeleton with the bone masses from a different skeleton.
TODO: Why you'd want to do this? Who knows! -merlyn

Shader Preload XML


Sound Group XML

This is the XML file that describes a group of sounds. One of those sounds will be randomly chosen and played whenever the sound group is triggered.

The file will specify a count of the number of variants that exist, and a sound file will need to exist for each of those variants.
For a Sound Group XML with three variants, the XML file and and corresponding sound variants should follow a naming scheme like this:

  • Data/Sounds/example_subdir/example_sound_group.xml
  • Data/Sounds/example_subdir/example_sound_group_1.wav
  • Data/Sounds/example_subdir/example_sound_group_2.wav
  • Data/Sounds/example_subdir/example_sound_group_3.wav

Sound Group XML Example

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
    variants = "3"
    delay = "5.3"
    volume = "0.1"
    max_distance = "77.5"

Sound Group element -> variants attribute

<soundgroup variants = "3" />

Optional - Integer value. Default: 1.
The count of variants. There must also be a corresponding SoundGroupXmlName_1.wav file for every variant, numbered incrementally up to the variant count.
E.g. if there was 3 variants, there would need to be files named SoundGroupXmlName_1.wav, SoundGroupXmlName_2.wav, and SoundGroupXmlName_3.wav.

Sound Group element -> delay attribute

<soundgroup delay = "5.3" />

Optional - Decimal value. Default: 0.0.
A delay to add to the start of sound playback, in seconds.

Sound Group element -> volume attribute

<soundgroup volume = "0.1" />

Optional - Decimal value. Default: 1.0.
The volume to play back the sound.
This is further multiplied by the gain specified when triggering the sound group in gameplay code.

Sound Group element -> max_distance attribute

<soundgroup max_distance = "77.5" />

Optional - Decimal value. Default: 30.0.
The maximum distance that the sound can be heard by the player.
It will be overridden by the max_distance in the collision sound event, in the Material XML, if specified for the given collision sound event.

Synced Animation Group XML


Version Manifest XML


Voice XML